This bank was originally registered as the Dascroi Taluka Co-operative Federation in 1922. The above federation was financed by the apex bank for on-lending to the affiliated societies. In the year 1925, the federation was given the name of ‘Dascroi Co-operative Banking Union’ and objects of this union were identical to that of the District Central Co-operative Bank, and subsequently in 1937 amendments were made in the bye-laws of the Union and the bank started functioning as ‘Ahmedabad Central Co-operative Bank Ltd.’ This bank became a full fledged central financing agency for Ahmedabad district in 1954 and since 1964 it is known as ‘THE AHMEDABAD DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE BANK LTD’ . The Gandhinagar district and The Botad district were included in its area of operation . The bank is purely a federal body in its structure as only co-operative societies can be its members and individuals are enrolled as nominal members only.

The bank is managed by the elected Board of Directors, which consist of 24 members at present representing different types of societies affiliated with the bank. The Board has constituted various sub-committees for transacting different types of business. The bank’s Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected by the Board. The Chief Executive Officer of the bank is also member of the Board.
Most of the directors are elected unopposed. The present Chairman Shri Ajaybhai Patel is being unanimously elected unopposed for the third term in succession since 2003. Under his dynamic leadership the management of the bank has been more transparent. In economic liberalization, the banking scenario has changed a lot and competition has become more severe, in addition the co-op banks have been included in Income Tax net along with the other more professionally managed banks all these have put a tremendous pressure on profitability of the bank. Under these circumstances, our chairman is successful in leading the bank to a commendable position by his dynamic leadership and forsightness.

Branch Network
The bank with 98 years of its presence in and around Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and Botad Districts has catered to the banking needs of the farmers and other villagers which have resulted in sizable increase in the deposits of the bank. The bank has also made special efforts for mobilization of deposits by cultivating habits of savings in the rural area. The bank has a wide network of 208 branches across three districts under its jurisdiction as on 31-12-2023. This bank has opened branches not only at taluka and business centers but also in the smallest centers in the rural areas with a consideration to serve farmer community, who were deprived of banking facilities.
The bank has its own building in prime location situated just opposite new office building of Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad. It is a multi-storied building with multi-banking facilities including safe deposit lockers. The Head Office and main branch of the bank is functioning from this building. Branches of the bank are functioning from their own buildings. The bank also provides safe deposit locker facilities in 131 Branches.

The ADC Bank is a vibrant bank of the vibrant Gujarat. To enhance the business of the Bank it has started Non-Farm advances since 1999. The various Financial products in the basket for Non-Farm are Loan for New Vehicles (2Wheelers and 4 Wheelers) , Loans for Commercial Vehicle, Loan for Consumer Durable goods, Housing Loan, Security Loan, Higher Education Loan, Personal Loan, Traders Overdraft (For Business), Self Help Group, Cash credit working capital/Term Loan, Overdraft against Mortgage. Loans against Fixed Deposit of our Bank/ NSC, KVP. The various Non Financial products are issuance of Bank Guarantee, Issuance of Solvency Certificate,etc..

The various Schemes of Central Government and NABARD such as Kisan Credit Card, Self Help Group, Joint Liability Group, Farmers Club, Crop Insurance, Group Insurance, Rural Group Accident etc. are implemented by the bank. The bank is always trying to help in the all round progress of the farmers under its area of operation. The bank has implemented Vaidyanathan Committee recommendations.

The bank has Core Banking Solution since 2013 . In order to provide better service to the customers by the bank, SMS Alert, Rupay Platinum Card and Rupay Kisan Card, UPI, BHIM, BBPS, Internet Banking (Financial Transaction), facilities like mobile banking, missed call alert, IMPS, POS and e-commerce are made available to the customers. Furthermore, 6 mobile ATM vans and 2 ATM vans have been launched as a part of digital transaction awareness, total 96 ATMs including 1 offsite ATM at Rashtriya Raksha University are currently operational.
Apart from this, internet banking (financial transaction) and mobile banking facilities are also available by the bank to make digital transactions easier for the customers of the bank. Through this facility, customers can execute financial transaction like NEFT/RTGS, cheque book request and download account statement. Fund transfer facility through UPI, IMPS etc. is available in the bank. UPI (Unified Payment Interface) which is an instant payment system that facilitates transfer of funds between bank accounts only through a mobile platform using IMPS infrastructure. BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money) which is a mobile application through which customers can easily pay using UPI. Through BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System) customers can pay their utility bills like light bill, gas bill, mobile recharge, Dish TV recharge etc. instantly with the help of mobile application. All these services are very easy, fast and secure, which is made available to the customer by our bank.
Micro ATM facility has been made available in all the branches of the bank where ATM facility is not available, so that the customers can withdraw cash during banking working hours through debit/credit card of our bank and other banks.

The bank is also trying to make each branch a result oriented profit making unit. The bank has fulfilled all the banking parameters and started making profit in real terms. The intrinsic value of the bank has increased. Thus under the leadership of Chairman Shri Ajaybhai Patel and guidance of members of the Board, the bank has achieved all its targets in mobilizing low cost deposits, recovery of long over dues and reduction in NPAs. The secured non-farm advances of the bank also increased. All these factors have helped the bank to make all-round progress and to gain financial strength. At present the ADC bank is the number one DCCB of Gujarat and one of the leading DCCB of the country.